2024 Levy Rate
The 2024 typical property tax levy rate is $8.6745 per $1,000 assessed value (AV). Of this rate the City of Mill Creek portion is 8%. On November 14, 2023, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2023-898 which approved 1% increase in 2024 property tax levy rate from $0.6247 to $0.6820 per $1,000 assessed value.
2024 Assessed Value
In Snohomish County, the assessed value of homes declined by an average of 7.0%. In the City of Mill Creek, the assessed value of homes decreased by an average of 8.8%. For example, a home with an assessed value of $947,300 in 2023 dropped to $863,700 in 2024.
Learn More
The Snohomish County Assessor's Office is responsible for annually updating the assessed values for all locally assessed real and personal property in Snohomish County and calculating the levy rates for all taxing districts for property tax purposes.
For more information on how property tax levies are calculated, visit
Tax Relief
There are several tax relief programs that the Assessor's office administers. Information can be found on the back side of your property tax statements or by visiting
Property Tax Exemptions
The Snohomish County Assessor’s Office offers various programs to help reduce property taxes. These programs apply to groups such as Senior Citizens, people with disabilities, limited income, non-profits, historical property, and more. Visit
snohomishcountywa.gov/328/Property-Tax-Exemptions to learn more.
Assessor's Contact Information
Linda Hjelle, Assessor
Phone: 425-388-3678
Chris Huyboom, Levy comptroller
Phone: 425-388-3646
South County Fire
Phone: 425-551-1200
Email: info@southsnofire.org
Sales Tax Breakdown
The sales tax rate in the City of Mill Creek is 10.6% effective April 1, 2022.
This rate is effective as of Q2, 2023 (April 1 - June 30).
Taxing Agency |
Percentage |
Notes |
State |
6.5% |
First Half - City |
0.50% |
RCW 82.14.030(1) |
Second Half - City |
0.50% |
RCW 82.14.030(2) |
Public Safety - City |
0.10% |
Resolution No. 2012-491 dated 7/24/2012 Proposition No. 1 To authorize 0.10% sales and use tax for police and fire protection purposes. (11/6/2012 General Election approved by 67.20% of voters) |
Affordable Housing - City |
0.10% |
Resolution No. 2019-583 dated 10/8/2019 City Council declared it's intention to adopt legislation to authorize the maximum capacity of the sales and use tax authorized by SHB 1406 within 1 year of the effective date of SHB 1406 or by 7/28/2020 (RCW 84.52.105) up to 0.1% if county has not done so. Funds the operations & maintenance costs of new units of affordable or supportive housing.(RCW 82.14.540 Expires 20 yrs after tax is first imposed) |
Criminal Justice - County |
0.10% |
Snohomish County Ordinance 90-143 dated 9/26/1990 Imposed 0.10% sales and use tax per proceeds of which shall be exclusively for criminal justice purposes effective 7/1/1982. |
Emergency Comm systems & Facilities - County |
0.10% |
Snohomish County Ordinance No. 18-037 Proposition No.1 a.k.a. 911 Sales & Use Tax - imposes countywide sales and use tax of 0.10% for emergency communication systems and facilities. (11/6/2018 General Election approved 54.19% by voters) |
Mental Health & Drugs - County |
0.10% |
RCW 82.14.460 authorizes imposition of 0.10% sales and use tax strictly use for chemical dependency or MH treatment or therapeutic courts.
Public Transit - Community Transit |
1.20% |
Community Transit (SnoCo PTBA) - Established in 1976 per RCW82.14.045see RCW 36.57A includes an addition 0.3% sales tax for a county of 700K or more that includes a city of 75K or more funding operation, maintenance, or capital needs of public transportation systems. |
Mass Transit - Sound Transit |
0.50% |
Sound Transit Resolution No. R2016-17 Light-Rail, Commuter-Rail & Bus Service Expansion imposes 0.50% sales and use tax plus property tax levy of $0.25 or less per $1000 plus 0.8% motor vehicle excise tax to expand mass transit in King, Pierce & Snohomish Counties. Effective 4/1/2017. (11/8/2016 General Election approved by 51% of voters). |
Mass Transit - Sound Transit |
0.50% |
Sound Transit Resolution No. R2008-11 Expansion of mass transit imposes an additional 5/10th of 1% sales and use tax to pay for planning, devt, permanent operation & maintenance of high-capacity transportation system. Effective 1/1/2009. (11/4/2008 General Election approved by 54.21% of voters.) |
Mass Transit - Sound Transit |
0.40% |
Regional Transit Authority Resolution No. 96-73Imposes 4/10 of 1% sales and use tax.(11/5/1996 General Election approved by 58% of voters) |
Total |
10.60% |
See the breakdown of taxes by City, County, Transit Districts, Public Facility Districts, and State, and how Mill Creek compares to other Washington cities.
Resource: Department of Revenue