The City is currently accepting applications for one vacancy expiring April 30, 2028, on our wonderful Civil Service Commission. Applications will be accepted beginning today through April 15, 2025, by close of business. Advisory boards and commissions are excellent options for anyone who wants to have a voice in important decisions that affect Mill Creek and to work with others to make a positive difference in our community. The City is actively engaging in important work and this is your opportunity to help direct the vision for how you want your community to look and feel.
To learn more about our boards and commissions, please visit the following page: https://www.millcreekwa.gov/city_government/boards_and_commissions
Interested Mill Creek residents are invited to apply by first contacting the City Clerk’s office. Once your interest is confirmed, staff will email an application. Most boards/commissions hold a monthly evening meeting. Please email [email protected] or call the City Clerk’s Office at (425) 921-5722 with any questions.
Members of our boards and commissions are appointed by the City Council; however, members of the Civil Service Commission are appointed by the City Manager. Interviews will be scheduled soon after the April 15th deadline.