City Council recently recognized 25 graduating seniors that are members of the Mill Creek Youth Advisory Board.
The Mill Creek Youth Advisory Board is a group of selected high school students who dedicate volunteer hours each semester by attending meetings and events. They are young adults with a commitment to service, passion for learning, and willingness to be a part of a team. Our members represent and serve as the voice for young adults in the community. The City of Mill Creek would like to thank and congratulate these seniors for their contribution in making a positive difference in their community.
Co President Ryan Mark Genova
Co President Ella Williams
Secretary of Events / Treasurer Dat Ly
Publicity & Social Coordinator Isabella del Rosario
Secretary of Communications Eugene Kim
Liaison & Photo Journalist Cheri Heng
Nate Armstrong
Hannah Bergeron
Matthew Ellis
Caleb Hambly
Andrew Hayashi
Amari Katagiri
Ichiro Katagiri
Abel Kidane
Stephanie Lee
Gabby Mai
Aayan Modak
Isaac Muraguri
Camille Nowak
Jaelen Oh
Oladapo Olaniyan
Sweta Purushothaman
Anderson Tam
Raine Trinh
Fiona Vo
Please join us in congratulating these graduating seniors!
Learn more about the
Youth Advisory Board.